trademark filing

Trademark Filing: What to Consider?

A trademark is a logo or a collection of numbers and letters that distinguishes a company’s products from those of competitors. As a result, trademark registration can assist a company in investing in branding and ensuring its distinct identity in the marketplace. It also aids the trademark owner in securing his or her trademark and[…]

Trademark Search in India

Trademark Search in India: How to Conduct One?

A trademark search must be conducted before submitting a trademark application to identify potential trademark applications and even registered trademarks. By entering the word mark and the class in which the investigation is being conducted, you can conduct a trademark search in India. According to the NICE classification for trademarks, a trademark application is filed[…]

Trademark filing a deep insight

Trademark Filing: A detailed insight

Trademark is a logo or combination of numbers and characters which helps in distinguishing its products from others in the market. So, we can say that trademark filing can help a business invest in branding and ensure its unique branding in the market. It also helps the trademark owner to protect the trademark and prevent[…]