trademark filing

Trademark Filing: What to Consider?

A trademark is a logo or a collection of numbers and letters that distinguishes a company’s products from those of competitors. As a result, trademark registration can assist a company in investing in branding and ensuring its distinct identity in the marketplace. It also aids the trademark owner in securing his or her trademark and[…]

Trademark Search in India

Trademark Search in India: How to Conduct One?

A trademark search must be conducted before submitting a trademark application to identify potential trademark applications and even registered trademarks. By entering the word mark and the class in which the investigation is being conducted, you can conduct a trademark search in India. According to the NICE classification for trademarks, a trademark application is filed[…]

Benefits of Trademark Monitoring for your Brand

The benefits of trademark monitoring are immense nowadays. While registering a trademark is definitely a huge success, the work does not end here. After the federal trademark registration, the next important step is trademark monitoring of identical trademarks.           In this article, we will discuss the benefits of trademark monitoring. Along[…]

The 5 Key Benefits of Hiring a Trademark Registration Consultant

A trademark registration gives an applicant the right to exclusively use the trademark to distinguish their product from someone else. Trademark registration consultant makes it easy for the applicant to get trademark registration in minimal time. A trademark can almost be anything as long as it makes easy for the consumers to identify it. A[…]

Trademark filing a deep insight

Trademark Filing: A detailed insight

Trademark is a logo or combination of numbers and characters which helps in distinguishing its products from others in the market. So, we can say that trademark filing can help a business invest in branding and ensure its unique branding in the market. It also helps the trademark owner to protect the trademark and prevent[…]

Trademark Registration in India_An 8 Step Guide

Trademark Registration in India: An 8 Step Guide

When it comes to protecting your brand name, the idea of trademark registration comes to mind. Be it for starting a business or for an existing business, you must ensure that the brand identity is safe. A trademark does the job of securing that identity. This ensures that you can freely do business under the[…]